■  Service Information network integration Project

  Super five (CAT-5e) information network point construction (currently used in fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s)))  
  Six types of (CAT-6) information network points are built (currently used in Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet (1Gbit/s)))  
  Super six (CAT-6A) information network point construction (used in 10 Gbit/s Ethernet (10 Gbit/s))  
Information line example:  

clear line marking can improve management and maintenance efficiency.


Information line example:

the emergence of box line integration, improved management and maintenance processing.


Quick-connect panel example:

The effective management of the host-to-user wiring is clearly marked and simplify line adjustment.


Quick-connected version of the back example:

effective management of the host to the user's wiring, clear labeling is beautiful. Simplify the line adjustment effect to makes the line fault is easier to query


Internal circuit of the cabinet:

indicating integration and protection measures, which can improve management and maintenance efficiency and avoid damage

Internal circuit of the cabinet:

indicating integration and protection measures, which can improve management and maintenance efficiency and avoid damage

Open environment clear line planning:

the trunks can avoid the line being damaged when the personnel enters and exits and the personnel are injured and injured.

Information network outlets:

clearly marked to increase management and maintenance efficiency

Graphic analysis of UTP test data:

Through graphic analysis, it is more clear to grasp the overall situation of UTP